The Energy Task Force is in continued communication with the Town of Braintree's Planning Board and the Building Division to suggest and support sustainable development and construction in the Town of Braintree.

Our Task Force includes members of the building design and construction industries who have first-hand knowledge of sustainable building practices. We have submitted a list of green building guidelines to the Planning Board and continue to follow up with them to see how guidelines like these might be implemented in projects around town. We have also worked other departments, including the Mayor’s Office, giving sustainable design suggestions and input on specific building projects as opportunities arise. Our goal as green building advocates is to serve as a resource not only to Town government, but to businesses and residents as well. Let us know how we can help!

Useful information for your next building project:
US Green Building Council (LEED)
Architecture 2030 Challenge

You don't need a renovation to become energy wise.
Visit the websites below to see the cost saving
measures you can employ around your home
now that will reduce your energy consumption.
Not only do you reduce your  carbon footprint,
but you save money too!!

First, measure your home's energy efficiency.
Use the free and easy online carbon footprint calculator
Learn about local Home Energy Efficiency Team programs.
Visit Energy Star to learn about energy efficient appliances. Energy Star is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy, which helps citizens save money and protect the environment with energy efficient products and practices.