Some sources indicate that Renewable Energy (including wood) accounts for as much as 16% of world-wide energy sources. The major types of Renewable Energy are:
- Biofuel (biodiesel, biofuels)
- Biomass (wood, yard/crop waste, land fill gas)
- Geothermal (electrical generation, direct source heat pumps)
- Hydro (hydro-electric dams, tidal power and wave power)
- Solar (Photvoltaics (PV), solar heating, concentrated solar thermal (CST)
- Wind (turbine electrical generation)
By definition Renewable Energy comes
from sources that are naturally and
rapidly replenished. Most renewable
energy sources have very low associated
CO2 emissions and therefore have less
of an impact on the Earth and our
atmosphere and do not contribute to
Global Warming.
Click here for more information
on Renewable Energy.